Crossing South Bahia, Brazil

walk, walk, walk
at low tide we started the 50 km walk on the south coast of bahia. 4 days of crossing. I take little else, my 35mm camera loaded with black and white film. I leave here the visual experience of these 4 days in which I spent 2 rolls of film.
I use an olimpus-om1 inherited from my father. I like to photograph landscapes, volumes, shadows and drawings at random. this photo I took in the beginning of our crossing.
Bahia, Brazil, january of 2018.

"Happy Run"
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46/50 available on Hicentnunc available

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This photo was made early before sun come up. My friend Lucas and your girlfriend Emilie are sleeping under the blank, close to the fire.

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Untitled5 copy 3 (2).jpg After this crossing, I went for Chapada Diamantina. I will tell and show you on next post.
I hope you enjoy it!

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