Status and Butterfly|| Monomad challenge.

Holla everyone, a wonderful sunday to the members of #BlackandWhite community. I was very much privilege to have stumble on the #monomad challenge and I was like why not give it a try and even better still make friends and seek guidance.

I won't really call myself an old members on this platform call hive cause I'm just two months old here. So there's a lot for me to learn but that's the fun part about hive learning never ceases to exist, it's a continuous process here, if you asked me.


So on my way from school, I happened to have stumble on this manifest piece of art, people tend to not understand the African diversity, it is not something we struggle with because we have come to accept who we are, like the picture above are group of igbo dancers. And I admire them alot even if I don't share the same culture as them.


I couldn't help but admire this status has I walked passed it, it still reflect on our culture.



The experience was just fun as I could just walk down to any status and take a photo of it. Then I found this little guy, just minding his busy while I stole some shoots.





He just had those little eyes on his wings which was cool though, here is the original look of the butterfly


My entry post to #monomad challenge in #BlankandWhite community.

All images are mine.

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