Garden Flower and Wild Flowerets | #Monomad Challenge

Today I will be sharing some random flowers I found in the shrubs, who would have thought that such shrubs could produce such beautiful flowerets, these could be considered as wildflowers though. I found some of these wildflowers as I watered my flower collection and somehow it caught my attention as they grow next to my plants. Allow me to share my flowering plants and random shrubs that produce wildflowers.

I turned all photos into black and white for these will be my entry as well for the #monomad challenge by @monochromes.

One of my flowering plants generates flower buds and one of them is about to bloom.


I do also have a roses plant but this time most of the flowers were already dried and withered, but it is still beautiful isn't it?

And here comes the wildflowers a floweret I must say, look at those hairy stems. The floweret grows in between the stem and the leaves no wonder why it is called wild.


While this one is a much larger flower than the above photos but it comes with small berries next to its flower. I'm not sure though if the berries are audible but this one is a wildflower so likely its not favorably to be eaten.

Photos above are all captured by yours truly, using Nikon D5600 + Nikon 40-150 Lens

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