When your computer dies

This is my entry for the #monomad challenge

I would like to apologize for not including the advertised video element for these blog posts, the last two of them, at least because my computer is pretty much dead as it has a severe battery issue.

The battery issue has effected the keyboard, mouse, fan speed, and cpu of the computer ultimately resulting in my computer working at about 10% capacity. Pretty much everything with this laptop moves at a snail's pace now. For example, we have high speed internet, of course, living in America. Yet somehow it takes about five minutes or more for a web page to load. A simple task of scrolling through photos just on the computer Finder takes minutes at a time. So just imagine what it would take to edit a full video. Photo editing is a pain.

So I'm going to need to buy a new computer. I'm not sure when that's going to be. I am focused on making the most of what I have right now and living as comfortably as much as I can right and stress free. And I do not have the funds to invest in a new working computer, but I'm going have to bite the bullet on that one eventually.

I just had to get up, get that off my chest. I'm going to have more photoshoots between this post and my next posting. So, yeah, man, be on the lookout for that. Thank you guys so much for liking the self-portraits I've been doing the last couple of months. It's been a great exercise and I'm glad to finally be applying some of the things I'm learning with myself with clients and friendly photoshoots.

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All photos & videos are mine, Produced By Me, unless otherwise noted

Tech Specs:
Camera - Panasonic Lumix GH4
Lens - Rokinon 12mm
Lens - Konica Hexanon 40mm
Lens - Konica Hexanon 50mm
Lens - Jupiter 85mm
Lens - Jupiter 135mm
Editing - Adobe Lightroom



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