Monomad: my baby's one month pictures

Hello everyone, this is my first time posting in this community, i am @imasolo , and am happy to join the #monomad challenge.

So on this post I'll be showing you different pictures of my one month old baby πŸ’• (am a nursing mother)she's is sweet and can be very dramatic sometimes.

Here she was just waking up, i called her name and was doing mother to daughter thing

Then she stretches, and was like, why am i not sucking πŸ˜‚

Then her face changed when she opened her eyes to see that i was taking a shot of her instead of feeding her 😊☺️

She now decided to close her eyes 😞, since i wasn't eating, i won't allow you snap me.

So i understood, and breastfed her change her clothes,and she gave me a good style β£οΈπŸ’ƒ

She was tired, and she said mummy let's do this some other time.

Thank you for reading πŸ™

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