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Monomad Photography || My walk in the City

Hello Friends,
Good Afternoon all!

You can call this morning a little different, because the presence of people in our city has increased a lot since the beginning of August. Because in our country the month of August is remembered a little differently, because this month the father of our nation was brutally killed. Due to which attempts are made to commemorate the father of the nation through various ceremonies in the month of August.

Although the lockdown is ongoing, there is a strong presence of people in the city. And I also had to go out for office work today in case of emergency. Most of the time I try to walk to the office, even today he is no exception.

However, when I went to the office today, I saw the beautiful scenery, the city is much cleaner than before and since the public transport is closed, the level of pollution has also decreased a lot. I feel pretty good walking today. In fact, the higher the population than the city, the faster the pollution levels increase. Now that the lockdown is over so much is under control.

Although public transport is closed, traditional transport rickshaws are still in operation, so most of those who come to the city in case of emergency are using these rickshaws. Again those who have their own bicycles are trying to overcome the need by using bicycles. However, I am sharing some black and white photography with you today, I hope you enjoy the scenes.

This is my entry for the #monomad challenge

Camera Details-

TypeStreet Photography
DeviceRedmi 9, Xiaomi
ISO SpeedISO114
Focal Length3.78mm
LocationDhaka, Bangladesh

Thanks all for visiting my Photography.


আমি মোঃ হাফিজ উল্লাহ, চাকুরীজীবী। বাংলাদেশী হিসেবে পরিচয় দিতে গর্ববোধ করি। বাঙালী সংস্কৃতি ও ঐতিহ্য লালন করি। ব্যক্তি স্বাধীনতাকে সমর্থন করি, তবে সর্বদা নিজেকে ব্যতিক্রমধর্মী হিসেবে উপস্থাপন করতে পছন্দ করি। পড়তে, শুনতে এবং লিখতে ভালোবাসি। নিজের মত প্রকাশের এবং অন্যের মতামতকে মূল্যায়নের চেষ্টা করি। ব্যক্তি হিসেবে অলস এবং ভ্রমন প্রিয়।

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