A world without shadows


A ray of light on the leaves of a succulent,
a camera, a lens, a photographer,
a random encounter or a sparkle of inspiration?


Wandering around with a camera in hand
seeking for excuses, not for a fight
but for beauty,
beauty hidden in plain sight,
yet illusive and fleeting.


A brief alignment of the sun,
a window and a plant
and an inquiring eye,
present and alert,
craving for pictures unseen,
images of a life unlived.


The light draws,
the camera captures
and the human wonders,
is it really me that took the picture
or the picture took me along its mysterious path?


It started as a glimpse that drew my attention
but soon it absorbed me into a fantasy world,
full of unfamiliar shapes
and ominous forms.


The colours melted into black and white,
as our world is divided into good and bad.

You are either with us, or against us.


The aperture is closing and the shutter speed rises,
the dark prevails and it becomes thicker and heavier
but it only makes light brighter, stronger, even destructive.


I am spinning in a vortex of images,
images turning into words,
words turning into more images,
images different, eloquent, allien.


It all started with a glimpse
but don't they all do?
Small or big,
insignificant or profound,
don't they all start with a glimpse?


A glimpse into a book that will change my life,
a glimpse into your eyes that will enslave me for good,
a glimpse into a map that will send me away.


Are we really so different from that leaves?
Struggling to defeat darkness,
longing to embrace light,
ending up fragments of our own being.


Creased and sharp,
broken and hale
black and white.


How would it be a world without shadows,
with light abundant and plentiful,
with no scary, dark corners
and nowhere to hide.

Would it be paradise,
or it would be hell?


This is my entry for the #monomad challenge.

The camera that I used is a Canon EOS 6D mark II with an EF 100mm f2.8L macro lens attached. I edited the photographs in Adobe Photoshop Lightroom Classic .

All the pictures and the words are mine.

Thank you for reading and if you want to know more about me you can check out my introduction post.

Commenting, upvoting and rebloging are highly appreciated!

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