little stars - kids monomad photography

Hello to all my loved ones in the black and white community.
How are you?
Well, I hope everything is going well.
Let's see what we have today, the little kids that I call little stars.
The baby next to the shelves is one of the arrangements that I have made with the help of props that I use for ceremonies, I do not recommend these high chairs for very small children. If you want to use something like this, you can take care of the child with the help of parents and use the possibility of preventing it.
And with the help of Photoshop, remove them from the frame .
The lighting they do for children, the art of photography for adults, so that it covers and illuminates the whole face of the child.

The little star is leaning against the wall with a smaller doll and is sitting with some books next to her. This is a children's bookshelf that does not have very complicated books.
The style of sitting with one leg extended more than the other is also interesting
He used it in other age groups.
Gentleness in behavior while photographing children is a very important principle that I do well. That the child can communicate better with the environment and with me.

Mr. Tom, the second little star of today's blog, she has big eyes and her mouth is very cute in this picture and she is laughing.
There are few photos that I have taken with this bench from this angle. But this photo has an interesting symmetry.
The big and round head of this little one is very cute with that formal dress with a bow on the neck

It's great that all the little kids are cute.
Fit size clothes for little Tom, who is a little chubby and looks like she is overweight, turning her into a funny cartoon character.😄

And little Leila, who is also one of the little stars of this blog, is leaning against the window and has a round face, and she is no less than other stars. Interestingly, he has just entered a music school where he is learning the violin. You may have a nice photo of him in the next parts🥰
Thank you for your time.
I hope you have a good day with good things

| photographer | @farideh.shahedi |

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