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carota drystuff bw 3.jpg

This would be quite a typical summer view around here. Dried up flower leftovers rocking on the wind.
Except that I shot those back in February when usually things are as green as they can be. Not many flowers yet, but the grass and weeds enjoy the cool and rainy weather.

And among all the green the tall and dead skeleton of wild carrot (Daucus carota) I believe were enjoying bits of sun. Amazing how they managed this long. All the hot sun, winds, animals, rain and more winds. Some are a bit damaged, but the very long and skinny stems and hanging on. All those were just above 1m tall.

On one of those, by accident I found one tiny Praying Mantis :)

Shot with Nikon D5500 + Sigma 105mm lens
All photos and text are my own.
