Orchid grower diary

orchid bark bw 4.jpg

You start slowly... from one regular Phalaenopsis from some supermarket sale. Then you get another because they are so pretty. Then the regular Phalaenopsis is not enough anymore. Looks like everyone has at east one. So you start looking at flower shops for some other types. You kill lots of them and buy even more.

Until you start ordering more rare species from online nurseries, special pots, special bark and you are surrounded by orchid supplies and nobody wants to talk to you, because you just yap about roots, potassium deficiency, sheaths, rhizomes and weird diseases...

Nobody understand you besides the few other crazy people in the forum.

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You share photos and discuss every little spot on the leaf. Is that a virus shape or bacteria? Or maybe its just a sunburn.

orchid canes bw.jpg

orchid roots bw.jpg

And all that for what?
For the flowers... for this little peace of some wild nature. And also for the challenge of growing what others cant :p

dendrobium nobile buds bw.jpg

dendrobium purple happiness flower bw.jpg

In the end you have no friends, but 300 orchids piled up in every corner of your house :)
Oh well...

Shot with Nikon D5500 + Sigma 105mm lens
All photos and text are my own.


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