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Cuba, coffee and tobacco.

A few days ago I was in the café jaracho, a café in my city that I often vitiate given the mountainous area it has with the gym I attend. As I was sitting there, one of the trainers passed by, whom I jokingly called Tata given the resemblance we have, he was carrying a good cigarette in his hand, still unlit; when he saw me he decided to come in and light the cigarette while ordering a coffee (one of the best in the city).

After a short time we began to talk about tobacco and its quality according to the ash it leaves behind (a curious fact: it is said that a white ash indicates a more natural and clean tobacco, while a black or grey ash suggests a more contaminated or adulterated tobacco. However, this belief has no solid scientific basis and can vary according to the type of tobacco, the paper, the filter, the humidity and the way of smoking.

A study in Cuba compared the leaf and ash chemical indicators of different tobacco accessions and found that the ash percentage was determined by several factors, such as potassium, calcium, magnesium and chloride content Link

Besides the percentage, the quality of the ash and the combustibility are also important, which are properties appreciated by smokers.) spent some time deixis and take some photos to immortalise the ash of the tobacco in question, and have a few laughs in the process.

Traducido con DeepL (

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