BOSS LIKE TRIUMPH: #monomad challenge

You want a Boss Lady full of action and never a dull moment, Call on Triumph
You want a Mother with a caring nature, who could teach, coach(especially the boys) and proactive in everything a child needs, call on Triumph
Have you a dead product or services, non marketable but you wish it make it to sales and you make some money, Triumph is your best door to knock on.
You think most women who dress or are attractive doesn’t know God or don’t know how to pray, then be ready to get into tears in worship and prayers while you’ll feel like seating beside your maker after just an hour spent together with Triumph.
Perhaps, you’ve lost your fashion sense and you think is it not to just put on something and go wherever you want to go?, then you may be ready to feel depressed and get oppressed when you look at Triumph twice. Mr Adekunle could say better.

MASTERMIND masterclass with Mrs Otah, MAitama was where I met Triumph, then a banker and you could draw from her words ad experience, a mind changing and purposeful life guide. She’s one of few friends I made at the masterclass coming as a photographer who was only there to cover the event, but far be it as it was more interesting than a whole degree class in my profession.

We share a lot in common as she don’t under estimate the importance of details, not just after money but what value would you have added by the time you’re through with whatever it is you are doing?
Her passion for humanity is second to non as she always want to see that whatever she’s making get to meet some charitable needs.

Recently, because of her stylish fashionable lifestyle, her business strategy and ability to multitask with diversity of talents, she gain global recognition as she made it to the cover page of the LADIES IN BUSINESS MAGAZINE GLOBAL, December edition. I’m proud of my friend I must say.

This is my entry for today's #monomad challenge


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