I just want to build my house - Monomad challenge

This is my entry for the #monomad challenge hosted and curated by @monochromes

This wasp was peacefully building its nest right before I wandered around the villa's garden with the camera strap around my neck, and then I noticed it and the nest. Of course, it quickly became the subject of my photos.

On the initial approach, it seemed that the wasp was not that bothered with my presence, since it kept on its activities, but after one failed shot, it started to feel annoyed with my presence.

It moved around and turned itself hiding in the back of the tiny nest he was starting to build. I have to wait for some time so that it returns to the position that benefited me to take the photos.

I was so happy with the result, and even in the back and white style, you can see the pattern of the compound eyes of this wasp.


But please don't be fooled by the small size of this wasp, and also its cute eyes, because it stings can hurt you quite a bit. I have been stung before, and my fingers were swollen for almost a day. And the pain when I got stung, really can make me wide away while holding my fingers in pain for quite some time. haha







Photo StyleMacro PhotographyAccesory50 mm Canon Lens + Adapter + Extention tube
LocationBali, IndonesiaLightingExternal Flash
GearOlympus OMD Em5 Mark iiDiffuserCekrek Diffuser


I am a Balinese man, a father of a toddler son, working in the hospitality industry, who has recently found a passion for macro photography. I want to share the photos that I've taken here on Hive. I appreciate any comments or feedback you leave on my posts and kindly invite you to be part of my journey in this vast Hive Ocean. Thank you very much
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