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Hello Black and White...

This is my entry to #monomad challenge curated by @monochromes

Lately, the rainy season often flushes several areas in Indonesia, it's only natural because every time the new year approaches, Indonesia will face the rainy season until the new year. The intensity of this seasonal rain is of course very heavy and wets all places including the yard and also the plants in the yard of the house, therefore sometimes many fruit and flower plants bloom in the rainy season.

I also have ornamental plants in my yard, the shape of the leaves is very wide like papaya leaves and strangely the rainwater does not wet this leaf because it has very fine hairs, so the rainwater only turns into droplets of water on its surface. When I saw it, I was amazed and it looked so good with lots of water droplets on its surface, that's why I tried to take pictures of the water droplets on this plant and in several other places.
So, let's see them below...

Since I was curious about these water droplets, I tried to photograph them from other objects, and I wanted to photograph water droplets that would drip from some objects.
And this the result...

Those are some photos of water droplets that I took on a rainy day this time, I hope you like it and see you in another post.