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Monomad Challenge - The Goat

This is my entry for the #monomad challenge by @monochromes! You can read more about the contest and how to enter HERE!

I took the above photo and following photos while on a visit to Baugher's Orchards and Farm located in Westminster, Maryland. They have a small petting zoo there and I got to see goats and some other farm type animals. Goats like to climb and the goats here had a boardwalk built above and around a good portion of the barnyard.

My first photo shows a goat on a small platform right above the entrance. One has to be extra careful when walking under an area when the goats are above you. I, honestly, don't know a whole lot about goats but I'm guessing that these goats aren't litter trained and will pretty much "go" where they please. Including from an area above. Luckily, there are only a couple of spots on the boardwalk that they could possibly get you from above but the entrance is .. well .. a spot that you have to walk under if you want to get into the petting zoo so I would suggest that you enter while the goats are not standing on that particular platform or walk under it very very quickly! 😉

Thank you @brumest, @ewkaw and @monochromes for #monomad!!
All photos and text by me @deerjay. All rights reserved.