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#Monomad Challenge ~ Fern

Hi there.

I hope you're doing great!

I love doing botanical photography and researching plants. Doing this, I've discovered that some of them have many more uses than just being an ornamental plant. In this case, I combine my love for plants with b&w editing to share with you the following photos.

Me encanta hacer fotografía botánica e investigar sobre las plantas. Al hacerlo he descubierto que algunas de ellas tienen muchos más usos que tan solo ser una planta ornamental. En este caso combino my amor por las plantas con el revelado a ByN para compartir con ustedes las siguientes imagenes.

Today I've read on Wikipedia that some ferns are edible, this is something I never imagined because I've always seen them in my relatives' houses as part of the home decors. Some of these photos will be available on my Pexel gallery.


Thank you so much @brumest and @monochrome for creating this challenge and community.

Thanks a million for stopping by.

Lots of love,


Photos of my authorship shot with a Redmi Note 10 | Dividers designed on Logopit Plus | Footer Designed with Canva