#Monomad challenge: Fátima.

Hi there.

I hope you're doing great. This is my entry for the #monomad challenge.

Fatima is well-known locally as "the lady who fixes washing machines". When I told her I wanted to take some pictures of her and hear her story, she was not intimidated, even though it was the first time it had happened to her.

Fátima es bien conocida localmente como "la señora que arregla lavadoras". Cuando le dije que quería hacerle unas fotos y escuchar su historia, no se intimidó, aunque era la primera vez que le ocurría.


I like to listen to people's stories because we all have something to tell and she was no different. In my country, meeting a woman who has dedicated her life to a job that is not very popular among women is an empowering message worth sharing, especially for those women who do not feel capable of performing in certain areas.

Me gusta escuchar las historias de la gente porque todos tenemos algo que contar y ella no era diferente. En mi país, conocer a una mujer que ha dedicado su vida a un trabajo que no es muy popular entre las mujeres es un mensaje de empoderamiento que vale la pena compartir, especialmente para aquellas mujeres que no se sienten capaces de desempeñarse en ciertas áreas..


Fatima is currently 63 years old, a mother, grandmother, and sister. She took courses in leather goods, hairdressing, and roller washer repair many years ago. The latter course gave her the foundation to end up acquiring the knowledge to fix almost any type of washing machine. Although it is not her only source of income, it has certainly made her a popular person in the locality.

Fátima tiene actualmente 63 años, es madre, abuela y hermana. Hace muchos años hizo cursos de marroquinería, peluquería y reparación de lavadoras de rodillos. Este último curso le dio la base para acabar adquiriendo los conocimientos necesarios para arreglar casi cualquier tipo de lavadora. Aunque no es su única fuente de ingresos, sin duda la ha convertido en una persona popular en la localidad.



Thank you so much @brumest and @monochrome for creating this challenge and community.


Thanks a million for stopping by.

Lots of love,




• Photos of my authorship shot with a Nikon D3100
• Dividers designed on Logopit Plus
• Footer Designed with Canva


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