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#Monomad Challenge ~ Dandelion

Hi there.

I hope you're doing great!

Today while doing some gardening chores I found this little dandelion growing next to one of my pots. Since I don't often come across them I didn't want to miss the opportunity to take some photos. At hand I only had my smartphone, so I wanted to try to take some shots of the dandelion as I was blowing it. People say it's good luck to make a wish while blowing a dandelion, I just asked for good photos this time.

Hoy mientras hacía algunas tareas de jardinería me encontré con este pequeño diente de león creciendo junto a una de mis macetas. Como no suelo cruzarme con ellos, no quise perder la oportunidad de hacer algunas fotos. Al alcance de la mano tenía mi smartphone, así que quise intentar hacer una foto del diente de león mientras lo soplaba. La gente dice que da buena suerte pedir un deseo mientras se sopla un diente de león, yo sólo pedí buenas fotos esta vez.


Thank you so much @brumest and @monochrome for creating this challenge and community.

Thanks a million for stopping by.

Lots of love,


Photos of my authorship shot with a Redmi Note 10 | Dividers designed on Logopit Plus | Footer Designed with Canva