Again to the Boulevard || Monomad Contest.

This is my entry to the #monomad contest by @monochromes. 📸.

Again to the Boulevard, as I have told you a few blocks from where I live there is this busy street where every day hundreds of Cubans walk in search of their food or just stroll, it is the area where all the shops where products are sold to the population are located, if what you want is people photography this is a good place.

Yesterday using my 50 mm lens I walked about three blocks up and three blocks down taking pictures, this is the length of the Boulevard, remodeled some years ago and well preserved so far, although with an architecture dating back to the times of the Spanish colony.

The perfect weather, a sunny, cloudy day, ideal for taking photographs, walk a little beyond this busy place, a bunch of images in a folder on my desk that I will be processing and showing in the coming days, I just hope you like it, greetings.

My current gear

Camera: Nikon D 7000
Nikkor 50 mm
Nikkor 55-300 mm

English is not my first language, I use Google Translation.

Copyrigth © by @daryh All rigths reserved, 2024

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