Sunday Nonsense

Yesterday morning it was snowing, today the mercury got above 60F. Or it would have if you could still get thermometers with mercury. Pretty soon we're going to have to come up with some new seasons, the ones we've got are starting to look like false advertising.

Think winter went and eloped with leaded gasoline, so you know spring's gonna be on fire. Not complaining, could do without the three months of dark inertia, but it does have a slight ominous feel to it. That's neither here nor there when the weather is fair, we had to get ourselves outdoors this afternoon.

Moseyed around the neighborhood for a bit to see what we could see. Apparently one of our neighbors has a speed limit for their garage, or else they got drunk enough someplace else is missing theirs. #Louisville

Here in Louisville we use plastic mulch, typically a nice mix of car crash debris and empty liquor bottles. There may or may not be a connection between that and the current 'Car vs. Building Challenge' that the city seems to be obsessed with presently.

Can't walk past this door without snapping a shot. Usually that's just because The Institute of Divine Metaphysical Research is interesting in its own right but today the light and shadows stole my attention.

Mondays are for the birds but they were out in force today too. This shot is heavily cropped so you can actually see the walk hawk. Was shooting with a 300mm lens but it was on the other side of the block. Not sure what sort of hawk this is, possibly a Cooper's or sharp-shinned hawk. Or maybe a red-tailed? Fuck if I know, I'm not a birder.

Calling this the Tetris Building. Don't ask me why but when I first saw the shapes and shadows of the façade, all I could think of was Tetris. Then the more I looked at it the odder it got. Does that even count as a façade? It's almost more of a brick porch that someone tacked on later.

There's a couple stretches of walkable shops and restaurants in the area but they've all seen better days. You could even say they're a shadow of their former selves... Still, they have their own unique charm and there's some new stuff filling up some of the empty storefronts so it's not all bad. Never mind, probably just means we're next for gentrification. Heh, if the gunfire ever stops. . .

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