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Lock S-Foils In Attack Position

Driving that train, high on cocaine... Oops, wrong movie. Little while back I posted a couple photos of motorcyclists and was a bit surprised at the number of comments their lack of helmets got. All what you're used to I suppose, it hadn't really registered with me as something of note.

Ever since I've been trying to check and see (and shoot) whether or not passing motorcyclists are wearing helmets. So far it's running about 10-20% of folks wear them and the rest are rolling with the Donorcycle Crew. Had one dude get killed this past week on a bike, crashed at high speed and got ejected from the interstate, landed on a parking garage thirty feet below. Don't know if he was wearing a helmet though.

Another for the 'On the phone' collection. Does kind of feel like shooting fish in a barrel sometimes, phones make street photography easy. Went for a jaunt down the old Southern Parkway the other day, didn't run into anything very exciting but did manage to add to a few of my ongoing projects.

Don't currently have a cat project. Why not? This appears to be a terrible oversight on the part of management. Door Kitty is not impressed with excuses.

Warm weather is here and that means it's yard sale season. That's it's own unique scene, never know what you might see. They're usually critters of the weekend though and these were all taken on a Thursday afternoon, so this one was a bit unusual to begin with.

School let out a week ago and aside from some of the parks there's been noticeably less people out and about. It's rather nice from a traffic standpoint but can make the pickings a bit slim for street photography sometimes.

Just getting by out past the expressway. Wonder if they make anti-aging creme for cars, this one is starting to get some wrinkles. Pretty sure that thing can still make the Bingo Run in nine parsecs.

Only seemed proper that I close with a photo of the near mythical Free Bird. On that note, I must be traveling on now.