Hoodoo Voodoo In Nulu

It was that most holy of days for venereal disease yesterday, so I decided to do a little metaphorical stoning of birds and head down to Nulu. Just east of downtown, it's at that late stage of gentrification where the corporate chains and out of state luxury developers are starting to squeeze out the local outfits.

My first bird was some tasty confections from a place that's been here far longer than gentrification. Muth's Candies is one of Louisville's hidden gems, it opened in 1921 a block closer to downtown but was forced to move to its current location by the coming of I-65 in the early 60s. It's one of those word of mouth places, once you've tried their sweets you lose all interest in the stuff they sell in the supermarket.

Second bird I had to stone was doing a little street photography. Told y'all churches could be dangerous, when in doubt, keep out. Don't worry though, before you know it, it'll be a boutique hotel. Speaking of boutique, is that how the kids are spelling bourgeois these days?

Did you know Louisville used to have a normal school? You know, where they sent the normal kids so they wouldn't bother the rest of us. Maybe not exactly, it was where the norms were taught, a curious turn of phrase from the 1800s for a place where people are taught to be teachers. I'd come across mention of it in older texts but had no clue what it was or that the building still existed. Not too long ago a developer out of Chicago bought it and is going to turn it into a boutique hotel...

Rich(?) Hippy Trash. Good to see the neighborhood seal of approval.

Anyone want to buy some protection? Good work if you can get it, every time I try that racketeering word gets thrown around the courtroom.

No cars were harmed in the making of this photo. Can't speak for the making of the decor at Garage Bar. I assume it is decoration, it may just be parking for the regulars.

Speaking of cars, he must have a hell of a commute when that thing is in the shop. I wonder if they used Clydesdales to deliver in Amish areas?

This has started to get out of hand, kind of like the scooter situation here. Anymore you can't drive on the sidewalk for more than a few feet without hitting a dozen of the damn things. Should probably start finding creative places to hide them...

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