Head For The Hills

It's just about getting to be a holiday weekend hereabouts and that seems as good a reason as any to head for the hills. We're actually going to be getting on down Between the Country or at least the county I grew up in.

Realized a while back that although there's hundreds of thousands of photos lurking on my hard drives, not nary a one is of my hometown. Still weird calling it my hometown, grew up thirteen miles outside town, a good twenty minute drive, we always just told folks the county we were from. Hell, we weren't city slickers. Inshallah and the river don't rise, should remedy that in a day or two.

Haven't been back to visit since the Before Times, should be interesting to see how the place has changed. Or hasn't. Going back is always bittersweet for me, my house burned down three days before I graduated high school and most of my family there has either died or moved away. You can go back but you can't go home.

Can't drive all that way down there and not pay a visit to Red River Gorge, which is where all these photos are from. Not staying in the Gorge this time though, got us a tiny house to post up in. Hoping we get lucky and there's another geomagnetic storm, a lot less light pollution to breathe in.

Supposed to have wifi, may try and give y'all a Holler from the Holler while I'm down there but I ain't making any promises. Going to give my drone its first proper workout while we're down there, will let you know how badly that goes.

Until I get back, y'all don't do anything I wouldn't do.

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