Gazing Into The Abyss

"If you gaze long enough into an abyss, the abyss will gaze back into you." --- Friedrich Nietzsche

Pretty sure the internet is the digital analogue of the abyss. How many hours have we spent staring at apps that are specifically engineered to absorb as much of our attention as possible?

You go to check a single notification and the next thing you know it's twenty five minutes later and all you have to show for it are some cat videos.

Suck my algorithm, bitfuckers! Sometimes you just have to unplug from the Matrix. Metaverse, Matrix, what's the difference?

This planet is going to hell in a handbasket. Or not. Either way the outcome won't be measurably affected by following the proceedings in real time.

In a way, Nietzsche predicted the rise of social media. You gaze upon it and it gazes back. Then it sells the data it spies. Zuckerberg and his buddies get rich off distracting us, but what do we even get out of it?

Might be a good time to find a new abyss to gaze into. Preferably one in the boonies.

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