Fair Thee Well

The fair is in the air! Or the Ferris wheel at least. The Kentucky State Fair is in full swing right now here in Louisville and it's a happening place. So happened that they had a bit of a power outage, some people even got to stay on the rides for longer than they'd expected. Who wants to get stuck on top of one of these?

I'd say that's a fair warning.

This guy kept assing around with the donkey anyways.

These people seemed to be having a sweet time.


@alt3r there wasn't as many lollipops as I was expecting. Wasn't the focus of this place I guess. Their chocolate covered pretzels were on point though.

Some of the merchandise on display was downright shitty.

'Collage de capitalism' at it's finest!

This one is a little more questionable. Speaking of questionable, the notion to sell a sign commemorating the Indiana lottery's 30th anniversary at the Kentucky State Fair probably qualifies.

The bench crew is on top of things.

Autofocus betrayed me. Still couldn't pass this photo up.

It was so nice to see all the smiling faces.

Even the carnies were having fun.

They really seemed to love cameras.

On that note, I'd better run.

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