Critters In B&W


Couldn't figure out what to do a post on today so I went scrolling through my old hard drive to see if that would spark an idea. As I was going through some shots from Yellowstone National Park I came across this one of a bison that was rolling in the dirt and dust. Critters it is!


I'm bad to go out aiming to shoot some landscapes and wind up getting distracted and coming home with critter shots instead. It's kinda like when I'd go hunting as a kid except with less worrying about the game warden. This second shot is of a golden-mantled ground squirrel that was hunting itself a handout.


I once saw an elk standing on the shoulder of I-75 going over Jellico Mountain in Tennessee. It seemed a bit cornfuzzled... The elk in this photo is in Rocky Mountain National Park, he wasn't so much confused as annoyed that I was in his way.


Mule deer like the one in the photo get their name from their ears. They're a western critter, around these parts there's only white-tailed deer. I wonder if mule deer jerky is as tasty as the white-tail kind?


Last but not least we have the least chipmunk. Near as I can tell, these things live for people food. I managed to coax one into sitting on my shoulder by pretending to have some once. Don't think I've ever managed to camp in the western US without seeing at least one of these things.

All these critters are making me hungry so that's probably enough for now. Anybody want a pet bison?

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