My Entry To @monomad contest: "The Work Of Art"

The Work Of Art


Why I called this photo "The Work Of Art, maybe you wonder?! It shows the traditional Croatian hand-made wooden boat that we call pasara. These kind of boats are Croatian cultural heritage & there are only few boat builders left who know how to use wood & create these beauties. Also, I'm especially connected & fascinated with these boats cause my grandfather was also a boat builder & it was his hobby. Unfortunately, I was 3 years old when he died so I wasn't able to learn from him. But, there is still a chance for me learn cause now there are still some small family shipyards on the Croatian cost of Adriatic sea where this tradition is nourished. Pasara in the world of boats is like Stradivari in the world of instruments. I am also fascinated of the fine lines this boat has & the performances it gets on sea surface. Another fascination I have is when I see this boat moving with mounted sails in between two media-elements: water (sea) & air (wind) - where the power of wind caught by the sails transmits to the wooden body which moves pretty fast, slicing the sea surface.

Big thanks for stopping by!

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