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Gabriella and anxiety

Hello Tribe

Today I come with a complex topic, anxiety. I want to dedicate this post to Gabriella, who I already told you about in the post in which I tell you about her for the first time.

It's been a while since I last talked to Gabriella but I follow her on Twitter and I can see her daily manifestations in which she exposes her moods and personal struggle against the anxiety that sometimes overwhelms her. It is her Tweets that today inspire me to converse once again on this topic.

Anxiety is a very real and tangible problem that affects millions of people around the world. It often happens to many like Gabriella that they experience feelings of desolation, anguish and drowning that can be overwhelming. For those of us who do not suffer from anxiety, it can be difficult to understand the severity of these feelings. However, it is important to keep in mind that people who suffer from anxiety do not do so by choice, but rather it is a debilitating condition that affects them deeply.

One of the most common symptoms of anxiety is the tendency to isolate oneself from others. People with anxiety may feel that they are unable to cope with social or even everyday situations, leading them to withdraw from social life and spend more time alone. This can lead to a sense of loneliness and isolation that only worsens feelings of desolation and distress.

In addition, people with anxiety often find themselves trapped in their own thoughts and worries. They may spend hours engrossed in their own thoughts, which can leave them feeling trapped and with no way out. This feeling of drowning can be overwhelming and can lead to dark and negative thoughts.

Fortunately Gabriella has found in artistic modeling her escape route, using her body as a means of expression, she channels all those mixed feelings that she goes through in her daily life. It is her way of telling the world the emotional complexity in which she lives while she unburdens all these overwhelming emotions.

The more I get to know Gabriella, the more I understand the importance of understanding that people who suffer from anxiety cannot just "get over it" or "get it out of their head". Anxiety is a real and debilitating condition that needs to be treated with care and attention. People with anxiety need the support and understanding of those around them. I believe we must learn to listen to them and if we are there for them it can make a big difference in their recovery.

If you know someone who suffers from anxiety, it is important to try to understand their situation and offer support. Sometimes just being there for someone can make a big difference. It can be difficult for people with anxiety to talk about their feelings, but knowing they have someone to confide in can be the first step toward recovery.

Anxiety is a debilitating condition that can make people feel alone and trapped in their own thoughts. But by understanding and supporting those suffering from anxiety, we can help them overcome these negative feelings and find the strength to move forward.

Being empathetic, caring and having the willingness to offer love, support and understanding, can make us into saving angels who help these people get through these difficult times when they need it most.

I will always be there for Gabriella and anyone else I can help. I dedicate this post to you today as a token of my unconditional support.

My hugs to you!

Thank you for reading me.

Your friend