The Visual Monomad Photographic Challenge My Entry #148 - A woman selling sow flowers at a traditional market


Hi all hiver friends in the black and white photography community
As always, I'll be sharing some of my black and white visuals with this truly amazing community. This post is also my entry to enter the black and white photography challenge contest.

Well, this time I will show you a visual about a woman selling sow flowers in a traditional market. As we know, in traditional markets there are various types that are traded here. Like the visual thing I shoot with my camera lens. A woman peddles her wares right on the floor and is surrounded by other traders.

This woman is a flower seller. Flowers that are sliced ​​and mixed with various types of flowers are called sow flowers. This flower is used when bathing or also commonly called a flower bath. And this is one of the characteristics in our area. Slices of flowers are mixed with water and splashed all over his body. Alright, here's a short and visual story that I share through my post this time. Hope you guys like it.







This is my entry for the #monomad challenge contest, hosted and curated by @monochromes.

CategoryBlack and White Photography
ProcessedAdobe Photoshop CC
LocationLhokseumawe, Indonesia

Best Regard's

@bnwphoto (Januar)

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