

Previous neighbor we had was less into breathing fresh air or opening the windows when sun strikes, pretty boring one would be usually comment, new ones seems like a big-sun-fans, including these two lazy orchids.

They got me out! I was just admiring them soaking sun and that scene literally made me jealous so I hopped into the sneakers and hit the road to the unknown.


Told you recently that weather is PMS-ing at the moment, so hitting the right outfit feels like BINGO!
This lady had no luck today, but her suitcase made me slow down a bit, black leather, vintage model, perfectly sized.
Big shame Im unable to travel at the moment, but SUISS is whispering to me constantly behind my back.

Switching sea with Alps? Im in!


Introverted typ.

Interesting way of posing and sitting, I was just waiting to cross the street and crowdy scene behind this statue took my attention.

Borislav Pekic, one of the famous novelist writers, born in Montenegro, also winner of the NIN award, as well as a civil servant, someone who renewed the existence of the democratic party in the former republic.


A bit further, hotel entrance as waiting room?

I didn't linger long except to catch a play of shadows and prepare myself for some uphill walking.


This traffic light is annoying as hell, it keeps you waiting for ever, luckily lazy drivers have fun in the front rows, a personal juggler.

This guy could be seen on different locations at the city, mostly on the bigger crossroads, he just pop on the zebra, grab equipment, occurs in less than a minute then mingle between engines in order to earn something, usually its nothing.

But as far as I am seeing him performing more, probably he is satisfied or just he enjoys juggling a lot.


One blink and there you are, this scene reminded me on England, Jane Austen edition, grass was so green, same shades everywhere, mowed and arranged.


Closer home, just at the moment when I decided to put camera away and just walk, flute.

A divine sound swayed down the narrow street and this guy wast a joke, he plays professional.

He wears polished shoes, a shirt and a sweater, well prepared. His biggest fan was man from a market security right across, he was even recording him.

I was passing by, he was in his own mind, smiling and playing. Made me wonder, did he actually planned on this, to end up as street artist or he dreamed of big scene?

Unfortunately, culture around here is it as it is, low effort about it and that is a huge shame, cause lots of quality people are out there, some of them are playing for the random passers-by.



Thank you @monochromes, this is my entry for the #monomad challenge, and thank you all for your time and interest in what I do.

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