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Monomad challenge tower of children's imagination and creativity

This is my entry for the #monomad challenge

In this current world where we often leave children exposed to the Internet where they can watch videos not suitable for their age, it is difficult to find a way for children to break away from this habit.

But many times we do not want to take the time to look for activities with them that take them away from virtual activities that, in excess and without supervision, end up with children learning words that are not suitable for them and even certain types of behavior that will later be very difficult to eradicate them if we fall asleep and let them advance.

So the best way to avoid this is to find time to play with your child and make interesting challenges for them with toys as classic as building blocks or commonly known as LEGOS.

Here in this image you can see a long tower from the floor to the ceiling that we both built. This activity was fun for both of them and it was a time that your children will remember and when the years go by you will also be a parent and so you can wean your child off the internet or cell phone.