Vertigo - monomad - eng/esp

I had to carry Britney to get to the ledge on the wall. When she was able to sit down, I told her to hold on there for 3 minutes at most, then I would come to "rescue" her from the same problem I put her in. She was calmer than I thought. She moved her hands back to gain some balance, trying to keep her center of gravity as far back as possible. She touched her hair, and then was ready for me to give her the "Action!" command. Before that happened, I had already captured several of her movements, and you can see it merged into the cover image of this post. Then I moved to the side to get another angle and that was it. The "Vertigo" sequence has been completed!

Tuve que cargar a Britney para que lograra llegar al saliente de la pared. Cuando se pudo sentar, le dije que resistiera ahí unos 3 minutos a lo sumo, luego vendría a "rescatarla" del mismo problema en el que la subí. Estaba ella más tranquila de lo que pensaba. Movió sus manos hacia atrás para lograr un poco de equilibrio, tratando de mantener su centro de gravedad lo más atrás posible. Se organizó el pelo, y estuvo lista para cuando yo diera la orden. Cuando eso sucedió, ya yo había capturado varios de sus movimientos, y los fundí aquí en la imagen de portada de este post. Luego me corrí a un lado para lograr otro ángulo y listo. La secuencia "Vértigo" ha sido completada!

Thanks so much for the opportunity!
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