Updates for 29th of January 2021


I'm spending way too much time obsessing on tweaking this thing, but it's coming together nicely imo. The recurring themes of censorship and centralisation in the news are making me more bullish then ever on Hive and remind me why I was drawn here in the first place.

Anyway, here's the main updates since last weeks post

The first updates relate to new views for browsing and filtering posts, and new routes to access them :

New browsing routes available:

All of these support filtering by tag, eg: https://hive.ausbit.dev/trending/wallstreetbets
For the time being we have this navigation bar showing exactly what's being requested, over what method.

Just below that you now have a system for filtering posts by their properties, so far we can filter out reblogs, pinned posts, posts you've already voted, posts by authors in your blocklist or moderated by communities and even narrowing down rewards ranges. The filtering works in real time, in your browser on a regular hive/hivemind server

Alongside these new top level browsing views, we also have the usual account views you would expect in other UI's :


With a new navigation bar in the account header to access them all


Every user now has a tip page, accessible via @username/tip that pulls in your coin donation addresses from your profile automagically. @katerinaramm wrote a post about this earlier in the week with instructions on how to add your coin addresses to your profile.

I've also added dogecoin to the list of supported tipping coins today.


Basic community support! You can now view info about, browse posts from, subscribe & unsubscribe from communities. Each user also has a communities page to see their own subscriptions and you can view your own "Communities Feed" at /created/my.

New community routes:


The recently posted / recently shared widgets used around the site can now be edited (click "recently shared" to toggle to "recently posted" , or change the username by clicking it)


Major updates and bug fixes around post rendering and post description generation all resolved by using @good-karma's amazing render-helper library instead of my own dodgy hacks. Also lots of style changes around heading sizing.

Updates to the way the voting ui works, to give the user instant feedback on a vote in progress and to reflect the new vote status immediately. Also bad looking but convenient vote power % buttons


Basic commenting support with a simple reply box powered by simplemde. By default, for now, I've set a 10% beneficiary to myself. By next weeks update post it'll be optional and removable in preferences. Full post editor coming soon


User preferences dialog for now with options of background style, and default vote weight


Removed all of the previous busy/loading indicator "spinners" and made a single uniform loading indicator along the top of the frame.

Transition animations across a heap of elements - posts slide up, sidebars come in from the side, menu's pop down etc

Transfer dialogs now support encrypted memos , and the wallet screen allows you to decrypt incoming memos. You'll need your memo key in hive-keychain. I'm considering an alternative wallet view specifically for encrypted memo chats in a future update.




Post sidebars now have a "share this post" widget, that folds out with links for sharing on dbuzz, twiter, facebook & reddit as well as copying to clipboard


As always theres a heap of efficiency improvements, bug fixes and technical changes that most readers won't care about. You can find the full details in the github changelog here .

Do you have any feature requests or feedback ? Pop it in the comments below, or in the brand new community created for site discussion. Or send it as an encrypted tip ;)

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