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What Is SusqueHanna Securities? Why Did Grimes Tell Me "Sique"? Clue? Zachary Kirkhorn One Of Largest TSLA shareholders

Sique + Musk = Susque lol and Hanna? Hana is the name of Grimes music friend. Susquehanna securities is the name of one of the Karnes shareholders in Tesla Motors

Is Zachary Kirkhorn a composite of me and Douglas HORN and captain kirk? Did time travelers set up an entire financial empire for my searl effect generator mag lev fly wheel SEG tech? It is like they are holding it back so I can have a chance to "invent anti gravity" and near unlimited cheap energy ...which will create so much sustainable human activity that it will require eosio and dpos hive chains to manage

What if Zachary Kirkhorn is just an AI based on Zachary Williams ... captain kirk (who blocked me on twitter lol) and Douglas Horn ( @telosnetwork co founder/ creator )

I feel like I am supposed to develop the SEG mag lev fly wheel with General Electric and integrate HIVE into a nationalized Tesla power DAC Governed by Telos Decide . . Proving large companies can be run by Telos smart contracts like telos decide and telos works