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The build

I've been building for a while, since the thirteenth of June 2017 actually. I'm not sure how best to gauge my performance as there's no KPI's that provide any real insight. Number of followers, number of votes per post, account value, reputation score, number of replies per post...It's all rather difficult to plot and so I simply don't.

Rather, I just plod along on my own little journey, one foot in front of the other, usually posting twice a day, engaging with others and simply writing about what interests me, my day, thoughts or whatever else comes to mind. It's all rather unremarkable, my blog I mean. I'm neither a large account, powerful, influential or followed with any great enthusiasm. I'm just here, a small fish in a large pool.

When Communities came about I ignored it figuring that I'd learn about it when I had to and they wouldn't really mean all that much to me initially at least, however that wasn't the case. Within a short period of time I found I'd created two, both niche-Communities specialising around topics that were't widely popular on the blockchain, but I found interesting.

These two Communities are the Lego Community based around all things Lego of course, and the second being The Pew which is a firearm, hunting, archery and shooting-related Community.

The way I understood Communities was that they were a place where posts could sit, separate from my blog visible to those who visited of subscribed to that Community. It seemed a legit place for posts that I figured many weren't interested in. If they were, they could simply go there and check them out, drop their own, and engage with like minded people. Seemed legit.

Since then each Community has grown in subscribers with a few posting there besides me. The Lego Community a little more so than The Pew which I guess is understandable as it seems there's not many here with firearms or opinions on them.

Building these Communities wasn't really on my radar and to be honest I've done little-to-nothing to do so. I guess I don't really know how although someone once suggested Discord...I have a life though and spending time on Discord doesn't really ding my bell.

So the Communities gain a subscriber here and there, someone posts occasionally and I use them to dump my own topic-specific posts giving me a pretty good library to reference if, and when, I need to.

I'll keep on keeping on posting in both Communities and once things start to emerge from the current restrictions will probably do some sort of Lego giveaway, a Lego set posted anywhere in the world or some such thing, to generate a little interest in the Lego Community at least...I won't be giving any guns away though.

Building a brand here is really important and I think most either don't know that, or don't care enough to do so. It really is though and there are many ways to do it...Getting involved with Communities is one way as a user can interact with people with the same interests. Engagement is another, together with interesting posts. If you haven't looked out for some Communities then go ahead and do so...Get involved. Your brand will build, your enjoyment will build and your account will build.

Design and create your ideal life, don't live it by default - Tomorrow isn't promised.

Be well
Discord: galenkp#9209