Technic Excavator Coolness

Hi fellow Hiveians,

Today I wanted to enjoy the Lego that the little man and I built recently!

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Technic Excavator Coolness

The little man has recently made a bit of an upgrade to the different types of Lego sets that he can build! For an event, my wife's family was awesome and got the little man some Lego that were a little more complicated than he built up until now but he was up for the challenge! The Lego Technic sets are certainly for older kids but I find them awesome, and they have more stuff to 'em!

Pardon my attempt at using a collage feature of the GIMP photo editing software. That was my first collage and only took me 30 minutes to figure out how to do it lol but that's okay, leveled up a little bit and will try to use it more often! I just need to figure out how to best do a 1:2 image without stretching it. 1x4 works out fine!

The technic set here was super cool! It had a lot of pieces to it and it was really cool as my first real complicated of the newer sets that are out there, this one held up to the level of detail that you could expect from these Lego brick masters. It had so many small things, it was super cool! I don't know if the little man or I had more fun doing this build lol

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What's cool is that it's got a pretty extensive track system to it! I was surprised at how cool the tracks were, they look and feel just like real tracks for an excavator or other machine.

There are also all kinds of other strengths that it offers so that it can handle the work being done on it and have some good movement to it. This one certainly had a lot more movement pieces than I realized which was fun!

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It was interesting how the designers of the instructions had done this set. I guess these were the staple pieces and thinking about it as I'm typing this, it makes sense to build the arm and boom first before you build the body. I was kind of thinking to build the body first and then eventually do the arm and boom but they did it arm and boom first then body. At any rate though, the body is coming together nicely!

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The nearly finished product is pretty incredible to see! The thing has all of the key features of a real excavator which is awesome lol there is the swing open engine compartment doors in the back, the hatches and all of the other iconic things of an excavator. I love the ingenuity of putting this thing together! I want to get the bigger ones like the Dozer now lol but will wait for the little man to get them instead of buying them for myself hahaha.


The final product was super cool! What's awesome is there are a bunch of movement with this one, being technic that's expected but it was a lot more movement than I thought there would be. The little dial on the back is what moves the boom in and out, extending it for a nice scoop and there is another little dial on the right side there that's a little tricky to see but it controls the scoop.


I was definitely excited about this build with the little man. It has been a few months since he got this and damn this is definitely the longest LEGO build that has lasted at the hands of the little man hahaha. He usually destroys the builds but this one has survived the test of time! Hopefully that doesn't mean I just jynxed it and it will get destroyed tomorrow but I have fun playing with this one with him, the details on it are super cool and the action is great. I kind of want to look for different LEGO sets that are of a construction nature to see what we can build!


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-CmplXty. Real human written content, never AI.

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