My Relationship With Medicinal Plants!

It is in the wild places, that we find the most strength, the most diversity. In nature, no one plant grows alone. They are surrounded by others, by a whole community. A community that provides for one another, be it by providing shelter, mulch, nitrogen and other nutrients, that help all other plants thrive. They have complex relationships with one another, they co operate, filling different roles.


Mighty Mullein!

Certain plants attract more sects, that benefit the whole. They connect and communicate with each other, helped by the mycelium beneath the soil, which they in turn aid, by providing them with food. Interconnectiveness! When we consume plants, we then become even more connected to the complete life cycle on earth!

Nature is our greatest teacher and taking the time to observe how plants grow in the wild, well it allows us to understand, the importance of community, of diversity, of connecting with our own wildness. Because that is where we thrive the most, where we are most creative and free! When we are allowed to blossom as we should.

Of course we can still grow in a more managed environment, but we would not get to experience our full power. The difference between wild plants and cultivated ones, is the vitality and potency they hold. Plants bring us healing on so many different levels, it is not only about ingesting them as medicine, it is about sitting with them. Being in their presence, Identifying their unique vibration, communication with them.


The beautiful Lavender.

Observing how they grow, this is where true healing begins and this is why it is so Important that we keep visiting the wild, that we reconnect with it. So that we get to fully connect with the plant, that we seek healing from! Plants do not just work on healing us physically, they work on the subtle energy fields of our bodies, our spiritual and emotional selves. They also have a huge impact on our life force, which allows them to support our own healing powers.

I have always felt a connection to the natural world, ever since I can remember. I was fascinated by plants and trees, so when i read a book about herbal medicine when I was a teenager, it felt like it was validating what I already felt ad believed. That nature provides us with all that we need!

I suddenly knew about the various healing properties of wild plants, plants that so many people considered weeds and foolishly discarded from their gardens. So that they could achieve the manicured look,that was so popular.


Amazing Cleavers

This, for me, was a sign of now disconnected people were, how disconnected they were from their own well being. I discovered how important it is to pee on the land that you live on, because then you get to communicate what your needs are. Your pee, is enough to inform the earth what you are deficient in, give it time and it will give you the plants necessary to keep you well.

But you have to know that and have faith as well. For some that idea might seem quite preposterous, but think it about for a while and you will see, indeed feel how true it is. The plant kingdom, wants to communicate with us, we just have to learn how to see and listen.

The healing power of plants, goes way beyond, harvesting and ingesting them. Don't get me wrong, by consuming medicinal plants, that will bring healing, but if you wish to receive healing on a deeper level, then you need to delve deeper into your relationship with them and yourself.

It upsets me, that so much of this knowledge is ignored. I will not say that it is lost, because I truly believe that we all know this within and once we open ourselves up to the world, we begin to remember. Spending time with plants, helps us to do just that.

Growing them, allows you to fully engage with nature, with yourself. It allows you to really become involved in the life cycle.


Wondrous Periwinkle

Most of the medicinal herbs I use are wild, some grow on the land I live on, but they have grown their naturally, I have not planted them. They are native and because of this still wild and so readily available to me.

I never pick a lot, I only take what I need. And I express my gratitude for all, that I do harvest. (It is the very least that I can do and it helps in the healing process). I harvest mostly in the morning, when it is sunny and the dew has dried. I pick leaves, before the flowers form and flowers before they fully open. That is when they are at their peak.

I only pick what I know, that is so important, because some plants are very similar. Being able to identify what you are harvesting is so important, this is no time to second guess!

I don't use conventional medicine on myself or my girls, it is all natural. Mostly herbal, with a little bit of homeopathy. So having a relationship with plants, honouring them and respecting them is hugely important to me. After all, how I treat them, affects how they treat me. Reminding us how everything is connected after all!





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