What's your favourite herbal tea and why?

My favourite herbal tea is Lipton.
Lipton herbal tea is mostly used in Nigeria, it is good and essential to the body, it is brown in colour and has a sow taste.

Uses of Lipton herbal tea

The Lipton herbal tea is mostly Recommended for people having headache, body pains, long-sightednes and also the people having shortsightedness, severe chest Pains and skin rashes.

To me, i mostly drank Lipton herbal tea for treatment of malaria and typhoid, since
malaria is always the alarming case in my country Nigeria.

Malaria is cause by mosquito, that at times result to typhoid is on a high side.


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Lipton herbal tea is also recommend for people with high sugar levels, taking this herbal tea each morning is a good start in elucidating the ailment.

The ingredients of Lipton herbal tea

Hisbiscus Flowers
Orange peel, Roasted Chicory Root, Natural Orange Flavors With Other Natural Flavors (Contains Soy Lecithin), Cloves, Licorice Root. Peppermint: Peppermint Leaves. Quietly Chamomile: Chamomile Flowers.

Lipton herbal tea can be taken in the morning, afternoon and in the night, what I like it so much is because of the fact that you can still drink it without sugar and it will still taste good.

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