Oil pulling, a traditional method, has helped me maintain oral hygiene

The realization that food has uses other than providing sustenance is the single most important finding ever made by humankind in the course of our existence. It would seem a little unfair, now that we are more aware of it, to view the priceless nourishment that the components of nature combine to generate as nothing more than food.

We should be thankful that our ancestors paid attention to the natural world, ate healthy foods, and searched for natural cures.

One of the most prominent examples of a food that promotes health is oil. It is conceivable to explain the benefits of a wide variety of foods, from avocado oil to olive oil; nevertheless, both sesame oil and coconut oil have been a staple in my family's cooking for as long as I can remember.

Easier to apply by way of mouth

It is clear that medical professionals are making a significant claim that must be taken seriously and must not be disregarded when they suggest that the mouth is the source of many different diseases. Diet is a pretty reasonable explanation for why doctors focus on the mouth region. In fact, this is why they do it.

The mouth is the portal via which all of the food and liquid that we consume, or more generally, all of the things that we take in, enters our bodies. The bacteria that come from outside sources, such as food, are brought into our bodies and spread throughout our organs by way of our mouths.

Because germs tend to congregate in the mouth, it's possible for other organs throughout the body to become ill as a result. As a result of this, medical professionals advise us to pay close attention to the foods we consume and to maintain an excellent level of oral and dental health.

This line of thinking led to the development of an Ayurvedic treatment known as oil pulling. Ayurveda is something I'd want to touch on quickly before moving on to the oil pulling method.

What does Ayurveda have to say about it?

Ayurveda is a traditional medical practice that dates back thousands of years and originates in India. Even in modern times, people in Sri Lanka, Nepal, and India continue to practice it. Veda is the word for "knowledge," while ayur is the word for "life."

The most beneficial part of Ayurveda is the cleansing and purifying strategy that it employs, as it can assist you in maintaining your health. This is reflected in the meaning of its name, which is "knowledge of life."

Ayurveda maintains that the body, mind, and soul are not just interconnected but also in a state of equilibrium. The disruption of this homeostasis can lead to many illnesses. In order to treat the problem, it is necessary to bring the equilibrium back into place. This is accomplished through the use of dietary changes and natural therapies. The practice of "oil pulling" is one of these herbal treatment methods.

What exactly is meant by the term "oil pulling"?

The practice of swishing oil such as sesame or coconut oil around in one's mouth and in the spaces between one's teeth for a period of fifteen to twenty minutes is referred to as "oil pulling" in Turkish. Sesame oil was utilized back when it was first utilized, which was thousands of years ago, due to the fact that it was easily accessible and produced.

It is uncertain whether or not the practitioners were aware of the antibacterial characteristics of sesame oil and the omega fatty acid content of this practice, but there is no denying that this practice has generated outstanding results.

If it's just an oil, then what are the benefits of using it?

It is not a coincidence that oil pulling has a history that dates back thousands of years; this fact has been known for a long time. After reading about the benefits of spinning the oil in the mouth for twenty minutes, my perspective has completely shifted in a positive direction. Initially, the concept might appear a little strange.

The first effect is one that is felt in terms of dental and oral health. Pulling oil through the teeth with a cotton swab not only stops bleeding gums but also improves the flavor of the palate, whitens the teeth, eliminates tartar, and alters the color of the gums.

Moving on, we will now discuss several parts of the body. For instance, when I get a headache, I come myself here for treatment. as a result of the fact that oil pulling can also help relieve the symptoms of headaches, sinusitis, and migraines.

It is thought to be beneficial for conditions such as varicose veins, infections, and disorders such as allergies, sleeplessness, excessive blood sugar, eczema, and bronchitis in addition to heart and kidney conditions. Varicose veins are one of the most common medical conditions in the United States.

The process that I follow to apply oil to my skin

It is beneficial, it does not result in any negative consequences, and it calls for very little work on my side to put it into action. Try to get my hands on some organic coconut or sesame oil if at all possible.

The first thing that I do when I wake up in the morning is to get out of bed, empty my stomach, and put one teaspoon of oil in my mouth. I then proceed to roll it around between my teeth. After doing this for twenty minutes, I spit out the oil and then fast for thirty minutes, during which time I don't consume any food or beverages. I'm done now!

Thanks for reading, Have a great day!

Unless stated otherwise: All art and photos used in my posts are taken, created and owned by me. If you wish to use any of my photographs, please contact me.

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