Lavender: We Smoked It!

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It all started as a simple joke by @theherbalhive in a conversation in this week discussion circle:


Needless to say, that I took it personally, like a new challenge that needed to be conquered, also, I really like smoking herbs, so I picked my partner in crime @rubido for an experiment.

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My history with smoking herbs

In 2018, I was trying to gain weight, and discovered that smoking cigarettes can decrease muscle gain by 30%, so beside the fact that cigarette is harmful for the reasons that we all know , this was a determining factor in making me stop smoking, that was my trigger.

I was a cigarette smoker since I was 10 years old, and it took me a lot of dedication to manage to do it, and few trials and error, but I am proud to say that by the 31st of October, I officially was free of nicotine for a month, and ready to stop forever.

I never looked back, and beside few relapses with an occasional cigarette at a party, I was not interested in tobacco anymore, and up until today, I kept my body relatively healthy.

Of course, I kept smoking weed, that's a fact! It was actually a determining factor in my recovery from years of tobacco poisoning my body. I gradually decreased the amount of tobacco in my spliffs, up until the day where there were only cannabis in my joints.

Lucky for me, I was living in South Africa at the time, and dagga as they call it, is everywhere to be found, in abundance, I was also an avid grower, making sure to always be "fully stocked"

With time, I started getting into finding other blends to mix, of herbs that I could have a healthier effect than tobacco. I dived into a world that was completely unknown to me, and tried so many different smokable leaves, with all of them very specific effects:

  • Mugwort: Tonic
  • Raspberry leaves: Sore tummy (and induce labour, we tried it!)
  • Mullein: Sore throat
  • Sage: Gets you "spiritual"
  • Mint: Sore throat

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The set up

We first made sure, that the lavender was dried, few days prior, and took that very fancy scale (courtesy of Rick), to weigh at least 3,5 grams.

What was interesting, is that the lavender was easy to be crushed, and just the simple action of crushing it, already produced a calming effect for me.
The smell of lavender has that property on people apparently, that's why it's often put in pillow cases.

Of course, we added a little bit of trim (THC and CBD), just to help it burn, but the goal was to really focus ourselves on the lavender 😁

The Experiment

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First thing that stroke us, is the quality of the smoke. A pure bright white smoke, very little tar to be burnt, and a beautiful dancing silhouette. We decided to take a drag one by one, and I was the first one to go:

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The smoke is surprisingly smooth, it reminds me of nothing I tried before, it is a bit sweet too, and not overpowering.
It just blends so well with marijuana, they apparently have Linalool as a common terpene, which means that they almost have identical tones. I actually wanted to finish the whole thing!

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Smoking Lavender Has a unique taste that's for damn sure. The only thing I can compare it to some of the stronger fragrances in pipe tobaccos mixed with Parma Violets. Its Not overly harsh on the throat so I could see using it in the future as a tobacco replacement to quit smoking. Not to mention I slept really well, but that could have been all the ass sex we had

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As you can see, Rick and I we don't mess around, when we have to do something in the name of science, I can also add that nobody got harmed during the making of this post.

We actually were very calm afterwards, and I went home early, woke up this morning completely energized! It was the lavender all along, I know it!!! 😆 There is also few research online, backing up that lavender can help with headaches, and I can also confirmed that there were no headache for me.

Will I do it again? Yeah, but let's try something different next time!

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