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Wednesday Walk in the Dark and Rainy Night: Spiders, Cockroaches and More

Hello WednesdayWalkers, its been two weeks since I last posted here and I missed this it here. How are you all? I pray we are all blessed and kept by the hand of the Almighty.

One night my husband went home so late and I dont any money to buy viand. We don't usually have lots of stock at home because we are living near stores and market and doing such could make us save money on buying refregerator and electricity to use it.

We had fried fish preserved from the morning and I plan on making soup with it. My daughter likes jute so much and we had lots of it so I decided to get some even with the dark and rainy night. Using my phone as a flashlight, an excuse I make just to get and bring my phone with me outside. And it was the greatest thing I did that day.
I only get the young leaves of the jutes. After a few leaves plucked, I noticed small insects finding shelter in the plant so I made very little movement that I can so I wont be disturbing them.

This is the first insect I noticed. The way I captured it, the eyes looks so scary, they reflect my phone's flash.

This large fly has beeb trying to rest in the coldness of the night too.

This green spider has caught a jutesv flower and maybe he thought it was another insect so he ran away after I took a photo of him taking with him his capture.

Here is another green spider and he is busy finding food too. I like his feet, he has sharp claws in it.

A praying mantis too. He is shy when the phone's flash lighted him. And tried to run.

Cocroach has been resting on of the leaves too. Good thing insects has a wax like material covering around their body so they will not get wet easily.

Here is a grasshopper ready to launch in his great jump because I have disturbed the leaf he was hiding.

A bigger praying mantis is lurking in one of the leaves too, and I caught him offguard.

This spider is so hard to catch in the camera since I already zoomed 3x, following his fast moves is very difficult for me.

I found some leaves that refuses to get wet too. And by that, it looked so magical that the raindrops in the leaves looks like diamonds that reflects ith phone's flash giving a wonderful natural effect.

The jute garden is few steps away from our home. And having my hnds full of jute leaves and an umbrella make it more difficult to capture those wonderful insects. I hope to come back to the garden when it rains again and maybe that time, with an unoccupied hands.

This little walk has been very satisfying on my photography skills though some of the photos I got are blurry. I wont stop learning. Someday, maybe I can play with the PRO features of the phone.

One thing that I learned from this walk is that the insect can be fornd in the jute garden during rain and I have to hunt them.