Sewing, Chickens and Computers

Hello, dear friends, how are you all? Has life been good? Are you happy? I wish you are, and are safe from all harm.

I'm getting good at my sewing, I have made lots of my kid's panties and I am glad to announce that I don't have to buy one at all. I have improved as I went along and adjusted here and there to make my little ones comfortable.

this is probably the best of that I made; if not for the machine to skip a stitch, it would have been perfect. the first that I made went like this, so messy but I have adjusted and found out that my machine needs a certain kind of a thread for it to work better.

Anyway, the kids did not mind about these at all so I continued on my way. I realized that in order to have a good result in the project, one needs better tools and even machinery but of course, the most important was the skill.

After preparing the kids and readying myself for work, we brought my son to my husband's mother where he would stay for the whole day. on the way inside, I saw my husband's chickens; he bought these when they were still little and now they have grown big enough, I am looking forward to them having their eggs and offspring.

the hen seems so shy that she did not look in he camera.

But the rooster posed a pose.

I arrived at work with very messy hair. The same goes every day especially when the hair on the forehead part grows. I don't usually take a selfie but since I started drawing, I take some and sometimes make it as a reference in my art practice.

Oh, brought the laptop at work, I was testing it if it works faster when connected to a good internet connection but I guess it was the RAM that needs upgrading. It takes a while to process things and it can empty your patience when you use it since I am a little used to fast working computers at work and phone. I asked my co-worker to fox this when I got the money but I guess it will take time.

The day went out smoothly and got lost in time because of work. When I went out of the office, these are what welcomed me. It felt like I was blessed with a very good good view for my whole day of hard work. Such scenes are so relaxing and calming.

I got reunited with my family after a day's work and it felt so good. At the end of the day, I was very thankful for everything that I had been through. Praise be to God.

Thsi would be all for now, keep safe

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