🎁Preparing a food surprise box for a student's birthday🎁

Hello my loving Asean Hive community,

Warm greetings. Welcome back to my new blog. How are you and everything is fine? How is the Covid-19 situation in your country? In the country where I live, even though the Covid-19 situation has been calm for a long time, there are frequent wars due to politics. I hope you will all be fine. Yesterday, I told about my friend's wedding that was held on Sunday. Today I will talk about an activity that my friend and I did together.

Today my friend and I made a surprise for a student. That student is not only my friend's sister but also one of my grade-4 students. I only found out this morning that it was that student's birthday yesterday. This morning my friend and I were thinking together about what to get that student for her birthday. In the past, that school girl had often said that she wanted a food surprise box. So my friend and I decided to give her only the food surprise box.

My friend and I first had to prepare to buy snacks to prepare the surprise box in the afternoon. During this year, because of the political situation in our country, the prices of snacks and everything are going up. At first, my friend and I thought of going to the market to buy these snacks, but we didn't have time, so we bought them from a store near the dormitory.

Above are some of the pictures I took from that store.

The snacks in the picture above are the snacks I bought today. I already know that the schoolgirl likes potatoes and chocolates. So I mainly bought those. In addition to the snacks shown above, we also bought some more snacks. Even so, I didn't have to take pictures of those things. The box that will be used to put those snacks was purchased by my friend. For all those snacks, my friend and I only spent 15000MMK. 15000MMK is equal to 7.5 USD.

We also didn't buy the scraps of paper used in that food surprise box. We also had a lot of colored paper, so my friend and I made them ourselves. Even though we have colored paper, my friend and I only used yellow and green colored paper. My friend folded the colored papers and cut them with scissors. I put the folded colored paper back to its original shape.

I put those pieces of colored paper into the box first. Then I decorated some snacks around the box. Inside, I added some chocolate from a box of chocolate I bought. Then I added fruit flavored jelly sticks. Then I decorated it with all the leftover snacks, including soy milk.

After that, I put all the remaining pieces of paper on top of those snacks. My friend tied the box beautifully with the white ribbon she brought. Now I have a very cute food surprise box. I have listed the remaining pictures below.

Although this food surprise box cost only around $9, this surprise box is very beautiful and the cost is also low. 9$ is equal to 20000MMK. A complete food surprise box like this normally costs around 50,000 MMK in our town. This surprise box cost only 20000MMK because we made it ourselves. The student was also very happy when he saw that surprise box. She told us that she really liked that surprise box. Thank you so much for reading my post to the end. See you in the next post.🍇

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