My dad surprised our family with a set of furniture today with some rewards from Splinterlands Games



Hello my loving Asean Hive community,
Today my father made a surprise for my family. My family was very surprised and happy to see this surprise. That suprise is furniture chairs and tables. Now let me tell you in detail about the surprise my father made for us.



This evening my father called me to come to the front door. He told me to bring my phone too. At first, I did not understand what my father was going to do. When I got to the front door, I saw a car coming to our front yard. I also found two tables and chairs on the car. When I saw them, I immediately realized what my father meant. So, I took a picture of that car carrying chairs and tables.




These tables and chairs are very expensive in our town, so my father ordered them from Pyin Oo Lwin. Pyin Oo Lwin and my town are a bit far. The driver was able to bring these items from Pyin Oo Lwin to our house safely without any damage. When these items arrived at my house, it was difficult to get them out of the car. This is because these chairs and tables are too heavy. It was not easy for my father and two drivers to down these chairs and tables on the car. The driver said he had to ask six people in Pyin Oo Lwin for help to load the seats and tables on the car. Today, my dad had to ask some neighbors to help him get these chairs and tables down from the car. Neighbors are also friendly. They helped get the chairs and tables out of the car. My father also gave some pumpkins to the neighbors who helped him. Having good neighbors is also a source of joy for our family.







The shop that sells these chairs also protects the chairs and tables with some cardboard so as not to damage the chairs and tables. So, my father and I used scissors to cut the cardboard that protected the chairs and tables. My mother could not help us because she was cooking dinner for us. When I remove the cardboard that protects the seat and the table, the cardboard looks like a hill. I didn't even have to take a picture of what those cardboards look like hill. These cards were given to those in need by our family because they were not needed. The people who take the cardboards will get some money when they sell them.




The furniture set my father bought had five chairs and two tables. Of the five seats, four are small and one is large. Of the two tables, one is large and the other is small. My dad gives a cute little table for my brother to use his laptop. My father and I placed those chairs in the living room. These chairs were so heavy that I had to use a lot of my strength to get them in place.



My dad always said he wanted to buy something out of the profits from Hive Blockchain. He wanted to buy a souvenir with some of the benefits from the hive blockchain. He showed it to his friends and wanted to proud to have bought it with some hive blockchain profits. My father told me that what he bought should not be easily damaged, should be used for a long time, and should be useful for the family. So, I was very interested in what he would buy. He wants a new laptop right now. But he bought these chairs first. Yes, as my father said, these chairs are not easily damaged and are very useful for the family.



My father ordered these chairs about 10 days ago. He ordered these chairs without informing us to make us a surprise. It really surprised us. About a year ago, my father told me to buy these chairs at a convenient time. But we did not know exactly when to buy it. This furniture set has five chairs and two tables. They are made of teak and cost $ 550. My dad made money playing by playing splinterlands games to buy these chairs. My father sold some cards from the splinterlands to buy these seats. I once read a post where a person can buy a car with the splinterlands game rewards. I also read a post about someone who bought a yard with splinterlands game rewards. I'm glad my dad got the seat he wanted to buy with some rewards from splinterlands games. Splinterlands games also bring great benefits to gamers. Many thanks to both Splinterlands Games and the Hive blockchain.


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