🍋Making a Burmese style salad using dry powder of shrimp and bean flour with three kind of fruits🍋

Hello my loving Asean Hive community,

What is the weather like in your area? In the country where I live, it is the rainy season. However, the weather gets hotter and hotter every time it rains. What do you think is best to eat on a hot summer afternoon? I think it's a sour fruit or a salad. For me, on a hot afternoon, it is very good to eat a sour fruit salad. Today I made a fruit salad with three fruits.

The three fruits I used today were mango, starfruit and lime. There is a mango tree in my teacher's dormitory. The mango we use today comes from that tree and I bought the starfruit at the market. The taste of the mango and starfuit we used was not too sour but a little sweet. That's why we used lime for its sour taste.

First, I washed the mango thoroughly with water and cut it in half. The smell of mango is very fresh and very cool. I also peeled mangoes because I don't like to eat them with peel when making mango salad. The outside of the mango is still a little hard, but the inside is ripe. Therefore, mango has a slightly sweet and sour taste.

To make a salad, I need to make small pieces of mango. A sister in the dormitory helped me cut the mango into small pieces. She cut the mangoes into small pieces and put them in a bowl. Mangoes are so big that one mango is enough for us.

In our country, starfruit has two flavors: sweet and sour. The star fruit I used today had a slightly sweet taste. Star fruit is hard to peel, so I did not peel it. I cut the star fruit into small pieces. I also removed the pieces in the middle.

I did not peel the starfruit, so I need to wash it thoroughly. I washed all the starfruits thoroughly with water and put them together in a bowl with mangoes.

I have listed above two main ingredients used in this salad. The small bowl shows a mixture of salt and dry chili. And it contains a little sugar. I put it in a bowl with mango and star fruit. The third picture shows the. Where is dry powder of shrimp used in your area? In our country, dry powder of shrimp is used in almost every salad. For this salad I also used one table spoon of dry powder of shrimp.

The girls in the dormitory and I really like the spicy taste of the salad. So we added a little bit of the fried chili. I also used a lime because I wanted a sour taste. Then add the bean flour and a little fish sauce and mix everything.

Now I got a delicious Burmese style fruit salad. Don't you think this is easy to do? This fruit is easy to make and very tasty. For those who like spicy, you should add more dried chili. You can use any fruit you like instead of the fruits I mentioned. The use of sour fruits improves the taste. You will definitely like the taste of it. Below are some of the pictures I took today.

That's all for today. Thank you so much for reading my post to the end. 🍇

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