🎃A pumpkin from my garden and Health Benefits of Pumpkin🎃


Hello everyone,
Today the weather is very nice. Today my father picked a pumpkin and some chayote from the garden. My father planted pumpkins next to my yard and backyard. My father started planting these pumpkins about a year ago. When our town was locked down by covid-19, my father planted some of these pumpkins. Due to the fertile soil in our garden, the pumpkin plants grow rapidly in a year.

My father planted pumpkin plant in the distance of the chayote plant. Pumpkin grows very fast. As a result, some vines of the pumpkin plant gradually reach the chayote plant. Now our pumpkins and chayote plants grow in the same place. You can see in picture that the chayote plants and the leaves of the pumpkin growing together.

Pumpkin leaves and chayote leaves may look similar but little different. Pumpkin leaves are greener than chayote leaves.

The pumpkin in the picture above is the first pumpkin on our garden. This pumpkin is bigger than the pumpkins we have. But the pumpkin is still green. I think I can cook it. However, there are still many pumpkin flowers in the garden .These too will soon bear fruit.

From this plant, Pumpkin is not the only food you can eat. The flowers and young leaves of this plant can also be cooked. I really like the young leaves and flowers of this plant. The taste of fried pumpkin leaves is very good. Pumpkin flowers are very tasty when made with chicken broth. In our country, pumpkin seeds are fried with salt and eaten like sunflower seeds. Older grandparents thought it was healthy. My brother really likes pumpkin curry. I didn't like pumpkin curry until I knew the health benefits of pumpkin.
I read about the benefits of pumpkin in a book. Pumpkin contains vitamin A, which improves eyesight. I read in that book that pumpkins also help you lose weight and reduce the risk of heart disease. The main thing I remember is that it regulates blood pressure. In our country, some traditional healers also produce traditional medicine based on pumpkin.