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Watusi Woman  - Windswept Sailor


Hi folks, when you live on a boat there is no escaping whatever the elements are up to.
The wind that blew us so quickly to Blue Pearl Bay just kept on blowing and blowing. And blowing. This wind kept the waters quite choppy which can be unpleasant when you're snorkelling (nothing like a mouthful of salty water when you take a breath), and keeps the boat in constant motion. Some of the wind gusts jerked the boat around so violently that my freshly poured glass of red wine ended up in my lap and all over my new couch covers. My light coloured linen couch covers. The ones I sewed with my recently acquired sewing skills.
After 24 hours a change of location was in order. We headed around the bottom of Hayman Island and into Stonehaven Bay on the neighbouring Hook Island.
Stonehaven Bay, Hook Island


I love that the water is so clear I can see the reef from the surface.

There are 2 halves to this bay so we chose the western half that appeared to offer a little more protection from the south easterly 20+ knot winds. This half also offered the better snorkelling. No ulterior motive from me at all. It just so happened that the mooring we picked had coral bombies just a few metres from the stern of the boat. I did what any snorkelling Queen would do, and promptly jumped in. There was a gorgeous soft coral garden, my favourite type. I am always mesmerised by the way the coral gently undulates with the flow of the water. There were also alot of quite large clams in a multitude of vibrant colours. I love to stretch my fingers out at them to see them clamp shut. Pun intended. There is a bit of beach available in this bay at low tide. A place to give your sea legs a go on land.










There is a pretty good variety of fish too. Nothing big, unfortunately for hubby. He was trying to catch us some dinner but spent more time feeding the fish dinner instead. Mind you, all those undersized fish needed that bait to grow big enough to be legal size. Hubby finally caught one that just scraped in. By stretching his tail out it just hit the required 38cm. On top of that excitement, it was a coral trout. Prized species. The best eating. One proud Hubby, one fish gutted and cleaned, one dinner served.


We spent a few days here, not really out of the wind, and moving to different moorings to share the prime snorkelling moorings with other boats. We watched some glorious sunsets followed by magnificent moonrises with a full moon. A nary a sunrise did I see.

Until next time, Watusi Woman - never out of bed early, out.



A full moon as bright as the sun

Second night's moonrise