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Watusi Woman - Explorer of Paradise


I've been hanging to check out a little haven known as Bali Hai by the locals. I'm not really sure why it's called Bali Hai but I did find a reference to the movie South Pacific and a mysterious island. Bali Hai not too easily accessed and it is a slice of paradise so maybe that's why.
There are so many beautiful islands in this region but I find this one quite special. It's official name is Black Island. It lies between Hayman, Hook and Langford islands so is very well protected. . It's very small, about 3 hectares, is covered in greenery with a sandy beach that stretches most of the way around the island and a coral reef surrounding it. You can't anchor here because of the reef and it only has 2 public moorings available. It makes it feel a little exclusive.

We picked up a mooring and were the only ones here. Just the way we like it. Driving the dinghy into the beach, we started to get an idea of just how much reef was under us. I was rubbing my hands together in glee at the thought of getting my mask and fins on to explore. But first, a walk around as much of this beautiful island as we could access. Once you step off the sand the lush green vegetation was just about impenetrable so we stuck to the beach. And the rocks. Nothing says "climb me" more than a pile of big boulders on a deserted beach. For some reason I feel driven to climb as high up as I can just to feel like the Queen of all I see.

Hubby spotted two white bellied sea eagles perched in some trees just off the beach. These creatures, with a wingspan of up to 2.2 metres, are very impressive to watch as they soar over the waters looking for fish. Back to Hubby, he was whistling them with his arm held out. He's a bit of an animal whisperer. Or should I say whistler, who has great patience to stand still and 'talk' to them. So when one eagle took off and swooped down toward him neither of us knew quite what was going to happen. Luckily, he carried on over the top of Hubby and out to sea. If you saw the size of those talons you certainly wouldn't want one to land on your arm.

Island exploration done, it was time for me to get into the snorkelling side of this little adventure. Hubby chose to do some beachcombing while I satisfied the water side of my soul. The coral reef around Black Island is nothing short of spectacular. I've said it before in other posts but just to reiterate, I love coral! There is something so amazing with the sheer variety of types and colours of coral that it's mind blowing to me. There's the big, the flowy, the prickly, the tiny and the ones that hide beneath others. When a coral garden is laid out before me as far as the visibility allows me to see, I'm filled with so much awe it leaves me speechless. And before you laugh, know that I have been told I could talk under water with a mouth full of marbles, so a snorkel in my mouth is nothing.

With another beautiful location under our belts, its onwards and northwards to our ultimate destination, Indonesia.

Until next time, Watusi Woman - climber of boulders, out.