Pets, breeding, rabbits.

Hello everyone.
bright day. I have a pet hare. which came from the forest near my village. There were 4 of them and I named them. The 1st female is named A. The 2nd female is named B. The 3rd male is named C. The 4th male is named D.

The reproduction will be through mating. Good parents Must be strong and must be 1 year old or older. Full grown body weight will be 3 to 4 kilograms at a time. Every 30 days the rabbit will give birth. The rabbit will give birth in a hole that it dug for itself. The depth is approximately 1 to 2 meters. It will keep the ball in the hole. While the child is still small The mother rabbit will come out to find food and cover it with dirt. It goes out to find food on its own. My duty is to find food such as grass, morning glory, fruit, straw, etc., and water for the rabbits to drink. We also have a water tray that we fill up with water every day. As for the rabbit's excrement, it will be small lumps. It doesn't smell good, but it doesn't stink. After eating enough, he dug a hole to go back to the baby rabbit. It's like this every day. Until the baby rabbits are strong and can walk outside to find food. Wild rabbits are easy to raise and not messy. Most are raised for sale. and consume rabbits whose meat is delicious and takes time to raise for sale 5 to 6 months rabbits enter puberty You can start selling now. The price will vary. Breeder We will sell for 1700 to 2000 each. Most of them are not enough to meet your child's needs. Thank you, my lovely friends, for reading. I really appreciate you guys. We'll meet again tomorrow.

Thank you very much.

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