lost day Religious Rituals

***Hello **Today I will take friends to read and see the traditions of Thailand. in my village style which is a loss that cannot be returned at all Because it is the loss of a lifetime. Or what is also called death.

*** is the uncle who is the younger brother of the father. He was sick with various illnesses such as lung cancer and liver disease because he drank a lot of alcohol. I am sick and have taken some time to heal. You and your younger sister are my aunts. and the children of the female aunt Each day they will take turns watching. Taking care of you at the hospital in the city Until the day of loss that can never be returned. It was a day of incomparable sorrow and sorrow. He passed away peacefully in the morning. Uncle called the house and gave it to me and my siblings and neighbors. Cleaned up and cleaned the house. In order to bring his body to perform a funeral ceremony at home, the ceremony for receiving his body will be held for 5 days together at home, unlike in other countries. Each day that the ceremony is held, every evening, the monks will be invited. Come pray and dedicate merit. Give it to your male uncle. Many people come every day.
There must be food for the guests. and wrapped it up for guests to take home. Until the day the body is to be cremated. Or another thing called Chapanakit, where the house will not take the body for burial. When the day comes that the body will be taken to the temple to be buried. Chapanakit must have cracked rice. Scatter it on the road. considered a belief According to Thai tradition since ancient times, it has come to the same place. In order to ensure that the deceased did not find a way back to heaven until reaching the temple, his body was taken up to the crematorium. And prepare to be cremated by performing a ceremony, praying and reading about the history of your uncle's life. I have been given the responsibility to Read your history Reading it, tears flowed. By having good qualities Beloved by older brothers and younger siblings. Wongtrakul is 62 years old. Uncle has a lot of knowledge.
My uncle graduated as a police officer, but he is not in the civil service. You chose to be a boxer. who was very good and received a gold medal Chon became a champion for many times. And Auntie still paints portraits. Very realistic and beautiful pottery making. I have been absorbed in painting. And you love your grandchildren very much, especially my family who lost their father. is your brother 15 years ago I read my uncle's history up to this point, tears streaming down my face.

***I wished him to find a good place to live, to meet his father, grandmother, and grandfather. Next, there was a fire meeting. Smoke rose into the sky. If smoke rises to the sky That means According to belief, you will go to heaven and we will come to collect the bones. Or called at. tomorrow And what you need to prepare is A bucket of water and flowers filled with perfume especially for collecting ati and gooseberry leaves to be sprinkled on the old man's bones. and rely on the sun Or dry it in the sun to dry completely for 2-3 days, then put it away and keep it, then make merit by offering food to the monks, giving blessings, that is, the ceremony is complete.
***I'm thankful for my lovely friends. who came to read my story
**Tomorrow we will meet again and read the story again. Bye, friends.

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